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Seasonal Glastonbury Retreats for body, mind and spirit

May 8, 2024

Relax and tune into the wonder of your natural frequency. Renew your energy, open your heart and release any blocks that are holding you back whilst also setting some clear intentions for the way ahead.

Health Benefits of Cacao

April 20, 2024

Enjoy the healing benefits of Ceremonial Cacao. Let Cacao help you to feel calmer, happier and more able to cope with life's challenges. Join a Sound-Well Cacao Ceremony and relax with the healing frequencies of this Master Plant Medicine.

What is a Cacao Ceremony?

March 7, 2024

Discover the healing benefits of Cacao and how a combined ceremony with Cacao and Gongs can lead to a life of transformation and deeper joy.

Seasonal Wellbeing Retreat: Wimbleball Lake, Exmoor: Friday 18th October, 2024

March 6, 2024

Treat yourself to a day of mindfulness and inspiration with nature and the seasons in the heart of Exmoor National Park and Wimbleball Lake. Come away feeling energised and more in touch with your intuitive Self and inner guidance. ‍

Autumn New Moon Healing Sound Retreat: Church Path House, North Hill, Minehead

February 6, 2024

Treat yourself to a weekend retreat of deep relaxation where you are invited to tune into a more natural rhythm, the new moon and yourself. Enjoy being part of a small group of like-minded folk as you let go stress while restoring your natural flow of energy and personal inspiration. Give yourself some valuable 'time out'. And what more perfect place than overlooking the sea and Exmoor National Park.

Autumn Healing Sound Retreat - Porlock, Exmoor National Park: 10th - 12th November 2023

September 30, 2023

An immersive weekend of rest and realignment within the healing sound of Nature and the Gongs. Give yourself valuable time out as you experience the harmonic qualities of sound and silence.

The Autumn Equinox and how it affects us

September 14, 2023

Discover the magic of the Autumn Equinox. Experience a sense of renewal and rebalance as you tune into these natural energies. Let this wave of soothing and nourishing energy support your growth and transformation

Waking Up From an Enchanted Sleep

August 20, 2023

Each of us holds a light and power of our own. When we are in harmony with the Earth and our inner world - love, joy and an infinite sense of peace flows through us. Our power is not lost. We have forgotten who and what we are and it is up to each one of us to wake up and to re-member.

The Venus Rose and your Healing Heart

August 11, 2023

Discover the path of the Venus Rose. Tune into your Heart Space and the celestial call of Venus with a healing sound bath featuring the Venus and Flower of Life gongs.

Full Moon Healing Sound & Yoga Retreat - Chard

July 28, 2023

Tune into Autumn, the full moon and your Heart with yoga and healing sound. Stretch your body with yoga and relax with a sound bath followed by some snacks. By the time you leave you will be feeling beautifully calm and relaxed.

Beyond Words: Sound-Well Healing Heart Retreats

May 19, 2023

Whether you're stressed or feeling relatively calm, give yourself a transformational experience with the permission to simply 'be' and the space to relax and listen to your heart for a day. Read what a recent participant had to say and give yourself some valuable time-out!

Heart Opening Day Retreats: Saturday 23rd March - Bossington, Exmoor National Park

March 20, 2023

Sound-Well retreats offer you the space to relax, let go of stress and reconnect with your Self in a safe, gentle and meaningful way. Situated within the natural beauty of Exmoor National Park, on the south west coast path - whether you need to rest, heal or reflect each retreat offers you space to ‘be’.

Hartland Gong Baths. Relaxation and Healing with Sound

March 18, 2023

Relax and enjoy a soothing sound meditation with the gongs in Hartland, North Devon. Give yourself some valuable time out to realign and recharge. Release stress and restore a sense of peace and calm within.

Dance into your expansion with Jupiter and Chiron

March 2, 2023

Tune into the energies of the Universe. Resolve and heal old wounds. Trust your journey of healing and expansion. The music of the spheres is playing and we are invited to join the dance and song of the Chiron and Jupiter gongs.

Wiltshire Sound Baths to Relax, Heal and Inspire: Summer Solstice 2023

January 12, 2023

Relax and enjoy a soothing sound meditation with the gongs in Avebury and Compton Bassett. Give yourself some valuable time out to realign and recharge. Release stress and restore your natural state of peace and calm.

Heart-warming Tales: Friday 27th January, 7.30pm, The Regal Theatre Bar, Minehead

January 11, 2023

Enjoy the return of some heart-warming winter storytelling. Allow your imagination to take you on a magical journey to realms where the promise of spring and transformation is real and eternal beings offer wise counsel. 

7-Chakra Balancing & Detox Offer!

January 6, 2023

Enjoy seven relaxing online sessions of healing sound gong meditations to cleanse and balance the seven different chakras. With a total worth of £98 you can purchase this offer for just £55 giving you access to all live sessions. Plus you'll receive recordings of each session so you can listen whenever you want... again and again.

Exmoor Healing Sound Retreats: Saturday 12th - Sunday 13th February 2023

January 5, 2023

Treat yourself to a weekend of deep relaxation and inspiration within the beauty of Exmoor National Park. Enjoy the healing sounds of nature, gongs and storytelling. Release stress and tension as you tune in to your Heart space and experience your own natural state of peace and calm.

New Year Blessings

January 1, 2023

New year blessings for you and loved ones. With love x

Winter Solstice Magic - Are you ready to make a shift?

December 19, 2022

Get ready! Prepare yourself for the longest night of the year and some magic! Join us, live or recorded - and listen to a Solstice story being told by storyteller Alexandra Simson followed by a relaxing sound bath with gongs. Tune into the loving wave of universal energy heading our way and enjoy a re-set and release of that which no longer serves your highest good.

Reindeer Medicine this Winter Solstice

December 16, 2022

Experience the magic of Reindeer medicine this Winter Solstice. Discover what Reindeer medicine represents, what it can teach us and when to ask for help. Join us online or order your own recording and listen to this beautiful legend reminding us that it is Love that beats at the centre of all creation.

A Holiday to Remember - Discovering the magic of healing sound and the gongs

December 5, 2022

Maureen's trip to the UK was fraught with challenges, pain and little sleep... until she met the Dunster Gongs. Find out what happened and discover the magic of healing sound.

Sound-Well Private Sound Bath Selection

November 17, 2022

Enjoy a sound bath tailor-made and played to your preference. Chakra Balancing, Intuitive, Planetary or Specific - there's something for everyone to help cleanse, clear, harmonise, relax and re-align. For one or two people.

Soundbaths, Retreats and Well Being Events: 2023

November 11, 2022

Sound Baths, Retreats and Well Being Events for 2023 are focusing on the Heart. Giving time and space to love and show compassion to our Heart Centre allows us to heal old wounds, release trauma and to live a healthier more joyful life.

Bossington Soundbath, Soup & Conversation

November 8, 2022

Relax with a soundbath on Exmoor - where land meets sea. Enjoy the peace and stillness of this unique location along with home-made soup, heartwarming company and fresh air - all on a Ley Line and in an area of outstanding beauty.

Finding Gold in the Shadow of Eclipse Season

October 20, 2022

Discover how an eclipse can help you to sharpen your focus, engage your imagination and envision the world you want to live in. Tune into the energies of the cosmos and enjoy an eclipse of the heart.

Creating Sacred Space at Home - Why You Need It & How To Create Some

September 27, 2022

Explore the value of creating a sacred space in your home. Enjoy creating a space where you can retreat and go inwards to heal and restore mind-body-spirit. Discover the value and magic of a simple daily practice where you can tap into your own divinity.

On the death of the beloved: Blessing and Funeral Poem by John O'Donohue

September 18, 2022

An inspirational poem about the death of a loved one. We're invited to find those we love in the beauty of Life itself after they have passed. Written as if spoken by the deceased, the poem reminds us that whilst their body may be given to the ground, their presence lives on in the wonder of All That Is.

Rage and the Divine Feminine

September 15, 2022

Rage and the Divine Feminine. Reconciling the unacceptable with the Natural. An exploration of anger and its value on our journey of healing and integration.

Deepening Your Intuitive Wisdom with the Divine Feminine Through the Seasons

September 4, 2022

Immersed in the soft cradle of healing sound and the natural world, this is an ideal opportunity to tune into your deeper sense of intuitive wisdom, wellbeing and clarity, to playfully explore whilst relaxing and releasing tension.

Weaving Magic through the Seasons with Nature, Sound and Story: 4th - 7th June, 2023

August 15, 2022

Immersive healing seasonal retreats at the Trigonos Retreat Centre in Snowdonia. Let yourself be cradled by the harmonic qualities of sound and silence in a beautiful natural setting, returning home well rested, refreshed and retuned.

The Day the Gongs Came to the Fayre

July 29, 2022

How the magic of synchronicity and sound can manifest in the most surprising and delightful ways. And the heartfelt gratitude and transformation of one lady's experience of healing sound, storytelling and her first gong bath with Sound-Well.

What if? A unique gong bath recording for a unique astrological event

April 28, 2022

Featuring Sound-Well's Planet Gongs, 'What if?' is a unique Gong Bath recording to relax and inspire. Tune in! Dreams can come true right now. But for that, we have to start with believing that living a life of joy and fulfilment is indeed an option.

Dream Big! Jupiter Neptune Online Gong Bath

April 5, 2022

Enjoy this once in a lifetime astrological event! Relax in the comfort of your own home while the healing frequencies of the gongs help you to dream big and to tune into the expansiveness of Your Higher Consciousness.

Chiron: Planet God Gong and Wounded Healer

March 28, 2022

Explore the story of Chiron and how it is that our deepest wounds are often our gifts in disguise. Chiron symbolises the deep karmic wounds within the unconscious. Chiron helps us to remember that which we have come into this life to heal.

Gifts from the Spring Equinox

March 19, 2022

Receive the gifts of this Spring Equinox. Nurture your awakening and allow your heart to blossom.

The Magick of 2's and the Rise of the Intuitive Self

February 22, 2022

Discover the magick and power of 222’s. Hear the song of the Uni-verse and discover who you truly are!

What Does Year of the Tiger Mean?

January 26, 2022

Discover how the Year of the Tiger relates to you. Purchase a unique gong bath and sound meditation. This year promises to be one of change and the sound of these gongs will assist you to harness Tiger's energy and go with the flow.

What does the Crown Chakra do?

October 14, 2021

Discover more about your Crown Chakra and how to keep it in balance including details of our Chakra Cleansing Gong Baths at Sound-Well

Opening Your Third Eye Chakra

August 30, 2021

Tune into your clarity, intuition and truth. Balancing and clearing the 6th Chakra will open you to Life's flow with more confidence and joy.

Getting to Know your Throat Chakra

July 12, 2021

Get to know and understand your Throat Chakra. Drop the façade of social conditioning and awaken to your true human potential. Are you ready to speak out for what you truly believe?

Re-Balancing Your Heart Chakra

June 18, 2021

The Heart is the bridge between the physical world and the mental world. It is where the mind and body unite. It is important to strengthen and balance this Chakra because it is our centre for love, compassion and spirituality. It affects our ability to not only love others but to love ourselves.

Re-balancing your chakras: No. 3 - The Solar Plexus

May 5, 2021

Re-balance the 3rd chakra. The centre of personal power, the place of ego, of passions, impulses, anger and strength, receptivity of spirit guides and for psychic development.

Sound-Well Services Spring 2021

April 20, 2021

Welcome to Sound-Well's List of Services. Gong Baths & Storytelling with you in mind!

Getting to Know your Sacral Chakra

March 23, 2021

Our thinking, emotions and our health are inextricably linked with the flow of energy through the chakras, which makes an understanding of them very important. Discover what the 2nd chakra does here and relax with a soothing gong bath to cleanse and rebalance the energy centre associated with our creativity, sexual energy and emotions.

The Root Chakra

February 28, 2021

The Root Chakra helps us to maintain a healthy foundation of physical and spiritual energy for the body. The energy starts here. Associated with survival instincts, sexuality, and basic physical needs it deals with trust and fear.

Rebalance Your Chakras with Healing Sound: Introduction

February 20, 2021

Kindness Inspires Happiness 2020

November 11, 2020

Power in Silence

October 5, 2020

Breathing into wellbeing - 4 easy steps

August 12, 2020

‘Grounding’ connects us and inspires good health

July 6, 2020

Strength in Gentleness

January 24, 2020

Beauty of Age, Strength in Wisdom

November 22, 2019

Turning Inwards

October 26, 2019

The Power of Focus

September 14, 2019

How to become a confident and compelling speaker?

February 21, 2019

What is Healing Sound? What is entrainment?

January 18, 2019

Kindness Becomes You

November 10, 2018

How to Become a Confident Public Speaker

September 14, 2018

Imagine what you want more easily

September 5, 2018

The Healing Power of Silence

August 24, 2018

Nature Meditation - Spring in full bloom

June 26, 2018

Nature Meditation - Blackbird Magic

May 14, 2018

Celebrating Minehead's story and the Sailors Horse

April 25, 2018

Dragons, Heroes and Storytelling!

March 30, 2018

Kalahari Resonance

March 15, 2018

Stories to Inspire Wellbeing

November 8, 2017

Overcoming Your Inner Critic

February 19, 2017